Unleash your inner startup
Choose DokkuHost for the same reasons disruptive startups do: it’s the best platform for building with modern architectures, innovating quickly, and scaling precisely to meet demand.

Scale your team and process
Easily add collaborators to apps. and use Dokku to manage continuous delivery across many apps.
Dokku scale up and out
Scale to meet any level of demand with more Dokku. upgrading dokku gets you more resources and better performance.
Add alternative data stores. Error management and other services to improve your command and control.

per app per month
Run Single app without Database in production.
Deploy with Git
0.5 GB Persistent Storage
Free SSL Certificate
1 Git SSH-Key
No Database
(available with extra cost)

per app per month
Run Single app with Database in Production
Deploy with Git
1 GB Persistent Storage
Free SSL Certificate
1 Git SSH-Key
Single Database (MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres)

per app per month
Run Single app with Multiple Databases in Production
Deploy with Git
5GB Persistent Storage
Free SSL Certificate
Up to 3 Git SSH-Keys
Up to 3 Databases (MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, Mongo, Redis)
1 additional worker for scaling